Expectations for this age range:
Your 2-year-old can…
- Choose a book to share.
- Enjoy sharing the same book over and over and over again!
- Repeat some of the words and phrases you say or read.
- Ask you questions, such as: "What's that?" and “What happened?”
- Identify characters’ emotions.
- Point to objects using their index finger.
Teachers and caregivers can…
- Find a quiet, comfortable place for book sharing.
- Use book-sharing as a way to calm and comfort child.
- Expand on words child has repeated. For example: “crown” can be expanded to “yellow crown”, “the crown on his head”, “the crown fell down”, etc.
- Count objects and wait for your child to repeat the numbers after you.
- Label objects for what they are in order to introduce new vocabulary.
- Respond with enthusiasm to your child's questions and comments.
Your 3-year-old can…
- Name the books they want to share with you.
- Pretend to read a book aloud to you.
- Tell you how a storyline is similar to things they have seen or done.
- Comprehend parts of the storyline and why some things are happening the way they are.
- Ask you questions about books you are enjoying together.
- "Correct" you if you skip a word or page in a book.
- Tell you the story in their own words.
Teachers and caregivers can…
- Find a quiet, comfortable place for book sharing.
- Ask child to tell you about the pictures and the story.
- Ask questions to prompt further thinking and feelings about the book.
- Respond with enthusiasm to your child's questions and comments.
- Ask child to show you all the things in a picture that are alike in some way. You can say: "Can you find all the blue things?" or "Show me all the things that can fly."
- Point out objects, colors, shapes, numbers, feelings, and words.
- Tie book elements and lessons into daily activities to encourage use of new vocabulary, concepts, and pretend play.
Questions for this age range:
- Cover: What do you see? Turn book upside down while labeling.
- Pages 1-2: What colors do you see? How does Nathan feel? Do you like birthdays? Do you like presents?
- Pages 3-4: What did Nathan get? Is he happy?
- Pages 5-6: What did Nathan get? Is he happy?
- Pages 7-8: What did Nathan get? Does he look happy or angry?
- Pages 9-10: What do you see? How many candles are on the birthday cake?
- Pages 11-12: What happened to Nathan?
- Pages 13-14: Where is the dragon room? Where is the candy room? Where is the balloon room? Where is the movie room? Do you want your own castle?
- Pages 15-16: How does Nathan feel?
- Pages 17-18: Can you show me a cold brr?
- Pages 19-20: What happened to the crown? How does Nathan feel?
- Pages 21-22: Who is sitting at the table?
- Pages 23-24: Is Nathan happy? Why?
- King
- Fell Down
- Crown
- Happy
- Balloon
- Sad
- Cap
- Angry
- Mittens
- Crying
- Telephone
- Excited
- Cake
- Family
- Bed
- Toys
- Dragon
- Cold
- Toothbrush
- Swings
- Presents
- Flags
- Run
- Castle
- Telephone
- Candles
- Blocks
- Thank you